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秋田県立高校2010年度英語入試問題5. 長文総合




秋田県立高校2010年度 英語入試問題 5. 長文総合 問題

5 次は,アメリカのメジャーリーグ(MLB)で野球選手になることを夢見ている少年ジャック( Jack)の物語です。

 Jack’s dream was to play baseball with his favorite MLB player in the future. He ( ① )hard for a big summer game. He liked to play baseball with his teammates and coach.  He often played catch with his father in the yard of his house too.
 One rainy morning in spring, he had a car accident on his way to school. He broke his legs.
 In the hospital the doctor said to Jack, “If you want to play baseball again, you must try hard.” Tears were in his eyes. He thought it was difficult to play in the summer game. Jack lost (A) enthusiasm for baseball. His mind was away from baseball.
 [Ⅰ] So his mother asked Jack’s teacher to see Jack.
 “OK. I can do something better than that,” said the teacher with a smile.
 The next day, his teacher came to the hospital with his * classmates. They talked a lot.
 [Ⅱ] His mother was happy to see him.
 One day in spring, Jack left the hospital and came back to his house. His doctor said he could walk, but he didn’t try. His father asked his coach to talk with Jack.
 “OK. I can do something better than that,” said the coach. “His teammates can write letters to him and to (B) someone who is special to him.”
 A few days later, his coach ( ② ) him the letters from his teammates. A happy smile came back on his face.
 [Ⅲ] The light from the sun was getting stronger.
 One sunny day, there was a knock on the door. When Jack’s father opened it, he lost his words. A tall man was ( ③ ) there with the letter from Jack’s teammates.
 “Hi. Nice to see you. I hear Jack is a big fan of mine,” said the tall man.
 “Oh, yes! He’ll be happy if you can talk a little with him,” said his father.
 “OK. I can (C)do something better than that,” said the man. “Hi, Jack. Your friends say you’re a good player.  Can you play catch with me?”  Soon Jack was in the man’s arms and was taken to the yard.
 Jack stood up slowly and began to play catch with the man. “You’re really a good player!” said the man.
 “Of course, I am!” said Jack. His parents couldn’t believe what happened to him. Summer was just on its way.

【注】 * teammate: チームメート  * coach: コーチ  * play catch: キャッチボールをする
      * yard: 庭  * accident: 事故  * broke his legs: 足を骨折した  * tear: 涙
      * classmate: クラスメート  * knock: ノック

(1) ①~③に当てはまるものを,次の【 】の中からそれぞれ一つずつ選び,適切な形に直して英語1語を書きなさい。
【 want     stand     bring     practice     wear 】
(2) 本文の内容から判断して,下線部(A)enthusiasm の意味として最も適切なものを,次のア~オから一つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア 情熱 イ 真実 ウ 怒り エ 絶望 オ 冷静
(3) 下線部(B)someone who is special to him が具体的に表している語句を,本文中から4語で抜き書きしなさい。
(4)  Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ に当てはまる最も適切なものを,次のア~オからそれぞれ一つずつ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア Fall was coming.
イ Spring was leaving.
ウ Jack had a good time with them.
エ Jack played baseball with them every day.
オ Jack was in bed with a sad face every day.
(5) 下線部(C)do something better than that が表している具体的な内容を,30 字程度の日本語で書きなさい。
(6) 本文の内容と合っているものを,次のア~カから二つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア Jack’s mother worried about him and asked his coach to help him.
イ When Jack left the hospital, he didn’t try hard to walk again.
ウ Jack was happy and walked again because he got many letters from his classmates.
エ Jack’s father was not surprised when he found the tall man at the door.
オ Jack’s parents were sad because the tall man took Jack to the yard.
カ Jack decided to play baseball again with the help of many people

秋田県立高校2010年度 英語入試問題 5. 長文総合 解説解答


(1) ①~③に当てはまるものを,次の【 】の中からそれぞれ一つずつ選び,適切な形に直して英語1語を書きなさい。
【 want     stand     bring     practice     wear 】
He ( ① )hard for a big summer game. ジャックは夏の大会のために猛練習をした。
praactice 練習をする  過去形 practiced
A few days later, his coach ( ② ) him the letters from his teammates. 数日後ジャックのコーチがチームメートの手紙を持ってきた。
bring もって来る    過去形 brought
A tall man was ( ③ ) there with the letter from Jack’s teammates. ある背の高い男がジャックのチームメートの手紙を持ってそこに立っていた。
stand 立つ   was standing  過去進行形
答   ① practiced  ② brought  ③ standing
(2) 本文の内容から判断して,下線部(A)enthusiasm の意味として最も適切なものを,次のア~オ
ア 情熱 イ 真実 ウ 怒り エ 絶望 オ 冷静
He thought it was difficult to play in the summer game. Jack lost (A) enthusiasm for baseball. His mind was away from baseball.
答   ア 


(3) 下線部(B)someone who is special to him が具体的に表している語句を,本文中から4語で抜き書きしなさい。
“His teammates can write letters to him and to (B)  someone who is special to him.”
ジャックのチームメートがジャックにとって特別な人に手紙を送った結果  A tall man was ( ③ standing ) there with the letter from Jack’s teammates.背の高い男がチームメートの手紙を持って立っていて、その人とジャックをキャッチボールをした。ジャックがキャッチボールした相手は 1行目Jack’s dream was to play baseball with his favorite MLB player in the future. より ジャックが大好きなMLB選手
答    his favorite MLB player


(4)  Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ に当てはまる最も適切なものを,次のア~オからそれぞれ一つずつ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア Fall was coming.
イ Spring was leaving.
ウ Jack had a good time with them.
エ Jack played baseball with them every day.
オ Jack was in bed with a sad face every day.
He thought it was difficult to play in the summer game. Jack lost (A) enthusiasm for baseball. His mind was away from baseball.
 [Ⅰ] So his mother asked Jack’s teacher to see Jack.
 “OK. I can do something better than that,” said the teacher with a smile.
 The next day, his teacher came to the hospital with his * classmates. They talked a lot.
 [Ⅱ] His mother was happy to see him.
 One day in spring, Jack left the hospital and came back to his house. His doctor said he could walk, but he didn’t try. His father asked his coach to talk with Jack.
 “OK. I can do something better than that,” said the coach. “His teammates can write letters to him and to (B) someone who is special to him.”
 A few days later, his coach ( ② ) him the letters from his teammates. A happy smile came back on his face.
 [Ⅲ] The light from the sun was getting stronger.
He thought it was difficult to play in the summer game. Jack lost (A)enthusiasm for baseball. His mind was away from baseball.
 [Ⅰ] So his mother asked Jack’s teacher to see Jack.
オ Jack was in bed with a sad face every day.   ジャックが毎日悲しい顔でベッドにいた。
The next day, his teacher came to the hospital with his * classmates. They talked a lot.
 [Ⅱ] His mother was happy to see him.

ウ Jack had a good time with them.
 [Ⅲ] The light from the sun was getting stronger. 太陽の光がだんだん強くなってきた。

イ Spring was leaving. 春が過ぎていった。
    [Ⅰ]オ    [Ⅱ]ウ   [Ⅲ] イ


(5) 下線部(C)do something better than that が表している具体的な内容を,30 字程度の日本語で書きなさい。
“Hi. Nice to see you. I hear Jack is a big fan of mine,” said the tall man.
 “Oh, yes! He’ll be happy if you can talk a little with him,” said his father.
 “OK. I can (C) do something better than that,” said the man. “Hi, Jack. Your friends say you’re a good player.  Can you play catch with me?”  Soon Jack was in the man’s arms and was taken to the yard.
 Jack stood up slowly and began to play catch with the man. “You’re really a good player!” said the man.
He’ll be happy if you can talk a little with him,” said his father. お父さんが少しジャックと話をしてくれると、ジャックも喜ぶでしょう。 に応えて

do something better than that   それより良いことをする。とあるので thatは ジャックと話をすること。
話をすることより良いことは Jack stood up slowly and began to play catch with the man. ジャックと話をするだけでなく、キャッチボールもすること。(28字)


(6) 本文の内容と合っているものを,次のア~カから二つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア Jack’s mother worried about him and asked his coach to help him.
イ When Jack left the hospital, he didn’t try hard to walk again.
ウ Jack was happy and walked again because he got many letters from his classmates.
エ Jack’s father was not surprised when he found the tall man at the door.
オ Jack’s parents were sad because the tall man took Jack to the yard.
カ Jack decided to play baseball again with the help of many people
ア Jack’s mother worried about him and asked his coach to help him.

本文: His father asked his coach to talk with Jack.

イ When Jack left the hospital, he didn’t try hard to walk again.
本文: One day in spring, Jack left the hospital and came back to his house. His doctor said he could walk, but he didn’t try. His father asked his coach to talk with Jack.   一致
ウ Jack was happy and walked again because he got many letters from his classmates.

本文: A few days later, his coach bought him the letters from his teammates.コーチはチームメートからの手紙を持ってきた。

エ Jack’s father was not surprised when he found the tall man at the door.

本文: When Jack’s father opened it, he lost his words.お父さんがドアを開けたとき、お父さんは(驚きで)言葉を失った。

オ Jack’s parents were sad because the tall man took Jack to the yard.

本文: His parents couldn’t believe what happened to him. ジャックの両親はジャックに何が起こったか(ジャックが立ってキャッチボールをしたことが)信じられなかった。嬉しくて信じられなかったと判断できる。

カ Jack decided to play baseball again with the help of many people.

答    イ  カ




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