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順天堂大学2009年度医学部英語入試問題Ⅲ長文総合 問題 


順天堂大学医学部2009年度英語入試問題Ⅲ 解説解答

(1)  Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the article?
     1. How to Choose the Sex of Your Child
     2. Food and Children’s Health
     3. Mothers’ Responsibilities for Children
     4. influences on Babies’ Sex

解説  男女の産み分けに伴う危険が中心のテーマです。文章の要旨に当たるので、文章全体から判断すると 乳児の性に対する影響。

解答  4

(2)  Which of the following words is the most appropriate for blank ( 1 ).
    1. adopts     2. argues     3. denies     4. replies

A recent medical study ( 1 ) that the influence of food on our lives starts even before we are born.

解説  A recent medical study (argues ) that the influence of food on our lives starts even before we are born.

1. adopts = take over    2. argues = discuss    3. denies = refuse    4. replies = give an answer

解答  2

(3)  What does Dr. Jain think?
    1. He thinks the study proves that diet can determine a baby’s gender.
    2. He has some doubts about the study but is interested in it.
    3. He thinks that eating patterns determine a baby’s gender.
    4. He thinks that women’s bodies are receptive to male chromosomes.



    Dr. Tarun Jain was skeptical of the study at first, but he says the research was well done and that it merits follow-up research.



     While men’s sperm determine a baby’s gender, it could be that certain nutrients or eating patterns make women’s bodies more receptive to sperm carrying the male chromosome, he added. 


解答   2

(4) 解答解説

(4)  Which of the following statements is NOT true?
    1. Eating cereal increases the chances of having a girl.
    2. Drinking more milk increases the chances of having a boy.
    3. Eating foods with potassium increases the chances of having a boy.
    4. Skipping breakfast increases the chances of having a girl.


第1パラグラフ 6行目
   Eating a nutritious, higher-calorie diet, including potassium-rich foods such as bananas, increasing one’s intake of sodium, and not skipping breakfast, seemed to increase the chances of having a boy. The link has not been proven completely yet, ~



Women who ate at least one bowl of cereal for breakfast per day were 87 percent more likely to have boys than those who ate no more than one bowl per week. 


1. Eating cereal increases the chances of having a girl. シリアルを食べるほど女子を生む可能性がます。  NOT true


Eating cereal is common at breakfast time in Britain and, in the study, eating very little cereal was considered a possible sign of skipping breakfast. 


1.    Skipping breakfast increases the chances of having a girl. 7行目~11行目より (true)


Furthermore, the women who had boys consumed a daily average of 300 milligrams more potassium, a chemical found commonly in bananas, than the women who had girls.

さらに男子のいる女性は女子のいる女性より日に平均300ミリグラム以上 バナナに含まれる化学物質カリウムを摂取している。」より 1( true )

3. Eating foods with potassium increases the chances of having a girl. ( true )


Contrary to the common belief that pregnant women who drink a lot of milk are more likely to have girls, the study found that such women were actually more likely to have boys, because of their increased intake of calcium. 


2. Drinking more milk increases the chances of having a boy. ( true )

      答    1

(5) 解答解説

(5) What results did the study find?
    1. A high intake of potassium before pregnancy increases the chances of having a boy.
    2. Skipping breakfast increases the chances of having a boy.
    3. Eating very little cereal is considered a sign of being unhealthy in the UK.
    4. During pregnancy, women should consume about 400 more calories per day.


1. A high intake of potassium before pregnancy increases the chances of having a boy.

(4)3解説 第3パラグラフ12行目

Furthermore, the women who had boys consumed a daily average of 300 milligrams more potassium, a chemical found commonly in bananas, than the women who had girls. 「さらに男子のいる女性は女子のいる女性より日に平均300ミリグラム以上のカリウム一般にバナナに含まれる化学物質を摂取している。」より 1( true )


2. Skipping breakfast increases the chances of having a boy.

(4) 4解説第3パラグラフ16行目

Contrary to the common belief that pregnant women who drink a lot of milk are more likely to have girls, the study found that such women were actually more likely to have boys, because of their increased intake of calcium. 「多量のミルクを飲む妊婦は女子をより生みやすいと一般に考えられていることとは逆に、研究では多量にミルクを飲む妊婦は実際は男子を生みやすい。これはカルシウムの摂取量の増加によるからだ。」

より ( not true )

3. Eating very little cereal is considered a sign of being unhealthy in the UK.

第3パラグラフ10行目 eating very little cereal was considered a possible sign of skipping breakfast. とあり unhealthy とは述べていない。


4. During pregnancy, women should consume about 400 more calories per day.


the study found that such women (= pregnant women who drink a lot of milk) were actually more likely to have boys  


, 答 1

(6) 解答解説

(6) What does Dr. Lu claim?
    1. Extreme eating patterns result in more boys being born.
    2. We will be able to choose the sex of babies in the near future.
    3. Recently, more people have extreme habits of eating.
    4. The University of Exeter study follows the ideas of evolutionary biology.



Dr. Michael Lu, 中略, said, “ the results are certainly reasonable from an evolutionary biology point of view. 結果は進化生物学の視点からは確かに筋道が立っている。from ~ point of view   ~の視点からは

4.      The University of Exeter study follows the ideas of evolutionary biology.


答 4

(7) 解答解説

(7)  Which of the following ideas is stated in the article?
    1. People are likely to stop trying to choose the sex of their babies.
    2. Determings the sex of babies should be prohibited.
    3. Doctors shouldn’t tell women how to have baby boys or girls.
    4. There will be an increase in the percentage of boys in the future.

解説 第4パラグラフ7行目 ~ 第5パラグラフ

Still, he (= Dr. Lu ) warned that there are many other factors involved that can influence the gender of a woman’s baby. ( A ) Thus it would be dangerous for women who want to have boys to overeat, and for women who want girls to starve themselves. Both extreme eating patterns are unhealthy for both mothers and babies. “The bottom line is,” he concluded, “ we still don’t know how to advise patients how to make boys.”( B )

Recently, increasing numbers of people throughout the world have been asking doctors for help in determining the sex of their children. This trend, however, raises many difficult ethical, social, and medical questions. ( C ) Ultimately, our decisions about these questions and possibilities must involve an ethical consideration of human values and an ecological understanding of the nature of all life on our planet. ( C )


近年 医師に子供の産み分けを依頼する人々の数が世界中で増えている。しかしながらこの傾向は多くの困難な倫理上、社会的、医学的疑問を起こしている。(C)結局この問題や実現性に関する我々の結論は人間の価値への倫理上の配慮と我々の惑星に住む全ての生命の自然の生態への理解を必然的に伴わなければ生らない。(D)


bottom line:本来の意味は企業のなどの損益計算書の最も下の行に表示される”純利益”を意味する。転じて「結論を言えば」という意味にしばしば使われている。

The bottom line is that S + V 結論を言えば:




  2. Determining the sex of babies should be prohibited.   赤子の性別を決めることは禁止されるべきだ。             

  3. Doctors shouldn’t tell women how to have baby boys or girls. 医師は 女性に男女の産み分け方を教えるべきではない。

解答  2

(8) 解答解説

(8) In which place – ( A ), ( B ), ( C ), or ( D ) – would the following sentence fit most logically?

     Medical research may in fact develop techniques that will make it possible to choose the characteristics of our children.
    1. ( A )    2. ( B )    3. ( C )    4. ( D )


Medical research may in fact develop techniques that will make it possible to choose the characteristics of our children.


Still, he warned that there are many other factors involved that can influence the gender of a woman’s baby. ( A ) Thus it would be dangerous for women who want to have boys to overeat, and for women who want girls to starve themselves. Both extreme eating patterns are unhealthy for both mothers and babies. “The bottom line is,” he concluded, “ we still don’t know how to advise patients how to make boys.”( B )

Recently, increasing numbers of people throughout the world have been asking doctors for help in determining the sex of their children. This trend, however, raises many difficult ethical, social, and medical questions. ( C ) Ultimately, our decisions about these questions and possibilities must involve an ethical consideration of human values なおかつ博士は赤子の性には影響を与えるかもしれない様々な要因がともなう。


近年 医師に子供の産み分けを依頼する人々の数が世界中で増えている。しかしながらこの傾向は多くの困難な倫理上、社会的、医学的疑問を起こしている。(C医学上の研究は子供の産み分けを可能にする技術を実際に発展させるかもしれない。)結局この問題や実現性に関する我々の結論は人間の価値への倫理上の配慮と我々の惑星に住む全ての生命の自然の生態への理解を必然的に伴わなければならない。

解答    3. ( C )





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