


慶応義塾高校2008年度英語入試問題 同意文の書き換え



慶應義塾高校2008年度英語入試問題 (同意文の書き換えにチャレンジ)

慶応義塾高校2008年度英語入試問題 同意文の書き換え 問題

次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように、各々の(      )内に適切な1語を入れなさい。

1 (a) If you get on this bus, you will get to the famous church.

  (b) This bus will (     ) you () the famous church.

2 (a) Let’s have some tea at that cafe.

  (b) (     )(     ) have some tea at that cafe?

3 (a) I saw Stephen (     ).  He winked at Amy in front of the door.

  (b) I (     ) Stephen (     ) at Amy in front of the door.

4 (a) He is the tallest boy in our class.

  (b) (     ) (     ) boy in our class is taller than he.

5 (a) I don’t agree with what you planned.

  (b) I’m (     ) (     ) plan.

6 (a) What language do the Brazilians speak?

  (b) Do you know the language (     ) Brazil?

7 (a) It may rain heavily tomorrow, but I cannot be late for the concert.

  (b) (     ) it rains heavily or (     ) tomorrow, I cannot be late for the concert.

8 (a) Thid train could not come on time because there was the accident.

  (b) The accident (     ) the train from () on time.

9 (a) As soon as Mr. Bean showed up on the TV, everybody began to laugh.

  (b) Mr.Bean had (     ) shown up on the TV (     ) everybody began to laugh.

10 (a) John said, “I have an interesting DVD in my bag.”

  (b) John said that (     )(     ) an intersting DVD in (     ) bag.

慶応義塾高校2008年度英語入試問題 同意文の書き換え 解説解答

1 (a) If you get on this bus, you will get to the famous church.

  (b) This bus will (take) you (to) the famous church.

  無生物の主語の構文です。S+ take + O + to 場所 SがOを場所に連れて行く 

2  (a) Let’s have some tea at that cafe.

  (b) ( Shall ) ( we ) have some tea at that cafe?

  Let’s = Shall we ~しましょう 勧誘の表現です。

3 (a) I saw Stephen. . He winked at Amy in front of the door.

 (b) I ( saw ) Stephen ( wink ) at Amy in front of the door.

  原型不定詞の構文です。知覚動詞+O+動詞の原形 Oが動詞するのを見る

4  (a) He is the tallest boy in our class.

  (b) ( No ) ( other ) boy in our class is taller than he.

  比較構文です。 最上級を比較級の文への書き換えです。

5  (a) I don’t agree with what you planned.

  (b) I’m ( against ) ( your ) plan. 

  熟語表現 be against ~ ~に反対する。

6  (a) What language do the Brazilians speak?

  (b) Do you know the language ( spoken ) ( in ) Brazil?

   ブラジルで話されている言語 分詞の用法

7  (a) It may rain heavily tomorrow, but I cannot be late for the concert.

  (b) ( Whether ) it rains heavily or ( not ) tomorrow, I cannot be late for the concert.  

  ~であろうとなかろうと 譲歩の表現

8  (a) Thid train could not come on time because there was the accident.

  (b) The accident ( prevented ) the train from ( coming ) on time.
  =(b) The accident ( kept ) the train from ( coming ) on time.
   (b) The accident ( stopped ) the train from ( coming ) on time. 

  S+ keep + O from ~ing 無生物の主語を取ることのできる表現 


9  (a) As soon as Mr. Bean showed up on the TV, everybody began to laugh.

  (b) Mr.Bean had ( hardly ) shown up on the TV ( when ) everybody began to laugh.
  =.(b) Mr.Bean had ( scarcely ) shown up on the TV ( before ) everybody began to laugh.

10  (a) John said, “I have an interesting DVD in my bag.”

  (b) John said that ( he )( had ) an intersting DVD in ( his ) bag.





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