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2013年度昭和大学歯学部・薬学部・保健医療学部英語入試問題は例年通りの出題構成で、1.アクセント 2.英文完成(適語選択) 3.整序英作文 4.対話文完成 5.6.長文総合でした。昭和大学の推薦入試問題も英語は一般入試と出題構成は同様です。推薦入試の受験対策としても一般入試問題を解いて出題内容に慣れることは良い結果を生むでしょう。

今回は 5.長文総合を解説します。





(1) 解答解説

     A. after   B. before   C. even if   D. and    E. or
Buy lunch and a magazine at any convenience store, (a) you’re likely to get your drink in one plastic bag, hot lunch box in another bag, and your magazine in a third bag.
be likely to+動詞の原形:~するおそれがある
If you buy lunch and magazine at any convenience store, you’re likely to get your drink in one plastic bag, hot lunch box in another bag, and your magazine in a third bag.
答  D

(2) 解答解説

2. 下線部(あ)のitが指すものを次から1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 
          A. facing criticism from environmentalists   B. criticism from environmentalists    C. the government    D. plastic use E. a revised law
Facing criticism from environmentalists, the government is hoping to reduce plastic use with a revised law that lets it issue warnings to retailers that don’t do enough to reduce, reuse and recycle.
let + O + 原形不定詞 : (容認)自由に~させておく
issue to 〔…に〕〈…を〉::出す,発する,発行する, 〔+目+前+(代)名〕〈政府などが〉〔人などに〕〈ものを〉(官給品として)支給する,交付する
lets it issue warnings to retailers:「小売業者に警告を発する」より警告を発する主体は the government
答  C. the government

(3) 解答解説

“Of course it’s good to (い)cut down on plastic bag use.
cut down on: make shorter or smaller; lessen; decrease
         cut down the cost [price],cut down one’s expenses
第3パラグラフ 2行目
the government is hoping to reduce plastic use with a revised law
reduce:〈費用・体重・生産などを〉減らす,減少させる; 縮める,縮小する; 切り詰める.
答  reduce

(4) 解答解説

4. 下線部(う)で省略された語句を補って完全な形の従属節に書き換えなさい。
And (う)when bought, they all go into another plastic shopping bag.
Some fruit stores even wrap each apple or banana in plastic. And when bought, they all go into another plastic shopping bag.
主節のthey はeach apple or banana in plasticを指す。
よって 時制と主語を一致させ、受動態にする。
when they are bought,
答   when they are bought,

(5) 解答解説

Some can release harmful toxins when burned, and (え) many end up in the sea and can kill sea turtles and other marine animals that mistake them (b) food.
Some: some plastic bags

many: many plastic bags which was burned
end up:経過の最終段階として、最後には~になる。
Some can release harmful toxins when burned, and many end up in the sea
単語2字指定なので、plastic bags
答  plastic bags


Some can release harmful toxins when burned, and many end up in the sea and can kill sea turtles and other marine animals that mistake them (b) food.

mistake +目的語+for+(代)名詞〕〈…を〉〔…と〕間違える,思い違いをする.

and can kill sea turtles and other marine animals that mistake them for food.
答   B

(7) 解答解説


A. The number of plastic bags that are use every year in Japan is not so large compared to other countries in the world.

B. Experts say that in Japan each adult uses about 300 plastic bags every year such as individual covers for shirts from the cleaners and tiny packages for single cookies.

C. Environmentalists’ criticism made retailers change their minds and they started to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic bags drastically.

D. Mr. Shinji Shimamura thinks that it would be impolite to hand customers a hot lunch box or could ice cream without a bag.

E. Mr. Yoshitaka Fukuoka thinks that the revised law will be very effective.

F. Germany succeeded in reducing plastic bag use by introducing a small levy.

G. The Japanese government suggests that plastic bags are more ecological than furoshiki.

H. Mr. Yoichi Horigome says that Japanese are now leading more environmentally friendly lifestyles than ever before.

I. One of the reasons that shops are not inclined to reduce or recycle plastic bags is their cheapness.
A. The number of plastic bags that are use every year in Japan is not so large compared to other countries in the world.
第3パラグラフ Japan is a major player, using around 30 billion – 300 for each adult every year. とあるので false
B. Experts say that in Japan each adult uses about 300 plastic bags every year such as individual covers for shirts from the cleaners and tiny packages for single cookies.
第3パラグラフ  And these figures don’t include the tons of extra wrapping such as the individual plastic covers for shirts from the cleaners and the tiny packages for single cookies.  とあるので、false
C. Environmentalists’ criticism made retailers change their minds and they started to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic bags drastically.
第4パラグラフ the government is hoping to reduce plastic use with a revised law that lets it issue warnings to retailers that don’t do enough to reduce, reuse and recycle. とあるので、false
E. Mr. Yoshitaka Fukuoka thinks that the revised law will be very effective.
第8パラグラフ Moreover, Fukuoka says the revised law – with only a system of warnings and no legal liabilities – doesn’t go far enough. より false
G. The Japanese government suggests that plastic bags are more ecological than furoshiki.
第10パラグラフ The government is also suggesting more traditional and ecological alternatives to plastic. It recently launched a campaign to revive the furoshiki. とあり false.
H. Mr. Yoichi Horigome says that Japanese are now leading more environmentally friendly lifestyles than ever before.
第11パラグラフ We once led more environmentally friendly lifestyles.とあり false.




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