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順天堂大学医学部2008年度英語入試問題 整序英作文


こんにちは 医学部受験英語担当プロ家庭教師の高田です。

2008年度順天堂大学の医学部入試問題は長文(約450words,600words)2題、空所補充1、単語整序英作文1以上オールマーク式解答形式、自由英作文の構成でした。自由英作文のテーマは「influence of genetic technology on the medical profession and society」最近のテーマは医学部受験生向けにかなり専門的なテーマをもってきています。350~400 wordsほどで自分の考えをまとめられるよう準備をしましょう。


順天堂大学医学部2008年度英語入試問題 整序英作文 

下記の設問において(     )内の語句を並べ換えて英文を完成させなさい。


(1)Once you ( 1. will find 2. software 3. the hang 4. I’m sure you 5. get 6. of it 7. that this new ) is very useful.

(2) Probably you ( 1. but just to 2. safe I’d 3. could get 4. pllay it 5. with only 6. along 7. a sweater) take a coat too.

(3) The dean ( 1. effect that 2. wil write 3. the necessary credits 4. a letter 5. completed all 6. to the 7. you have ) for graduation.

(4) He worked hard ( 1. but finally 2. the system 3. for 4. and applied for 5. up with 6. he got fed 7. 25 years ) early retirement.

(5) Notice to our customers: ( 1. of merchandise 2. that all 3. please 4. and no returns 5. are final 6. be informed 7. sales ) can be accepted.

(6) We thought ( 1. accomplished it 2. to try 3. but he 4. he must 5. been crazy 6. dangerous jump 7. have 8. such a ) successfully

順天堂大学医学部英語入試問題 解答

(1) Once you get the hang of it, I’m sure you will find that this new software is useful.

(2) Probably you could get along with only a sweater but just to safe I’d take a coat too.

(3) The dean will write a letter to the effect that you have completed all the necessary credits for graduation.

(4) He worked hard for 25years but finally he got fed up with the system and applied for early retirement.

(5) Notice to our customers: please be informed that all sales of merchandise are final and no returns can be accepted.

(6) We thought he must have been crazy to try such a dangerous jump but he accomplished it successfully.




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