(1) Once you get the hang of it, I’m sure you will find that this new software is useful.
Once~ 条件文 いったん(ひとたび)~すれば
get ( have ) the hang of~ ~のコツを飲み込む
(2) Probably you could get along with only a sweater but just to safe I’d take a coat too.
(3) The dean will write a letter to the effect that you have completed all the necessary credits for graduation..
write a letter to the effect that ~ ~という趣旨の手紙を書く
(4) He worked hard for 25years but finally he got fed up with the system and applied for early retirement.
be fed p with ~ ~にいらいらする。うんざりする。
(5) Notice to our customers: please be informed that all sales of merchandise are final and no returns can be accepted.
告示・張り紙の形式です。「お客様各位 商品販売はすべて終了いたしました。返品はご容赦ください。」
(6) We thought he must have been crazy to try such a dangerous jump but he accomplished it successfully.